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hey....its chadd...i go to shhs and im an athlete sorta....i have lots of friends and am very outgoing

Friday, December 11, 2009

Weekly Blog

This week we did power points about our games...Jesse and I figured out some cool stuff on there...also worked on individual games...still dont know wat i want to do

Friday, December 4, 2009


This week was still slow....still no code...cant do much without it....hopefully we can get our team game done soon!!!!!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Weekly blog

THis week waas a standstill basically...People from globaloria didnt answer our question and we cant advance in our game any...Its awfully hard to get codes round here(no offense mrs. chenoweth--not your fault)

Friday, November 13, 2009


Got our game working....waiting for questions to be answered....we need a code!!!!Trying to get questions to come up when you get to a certain score....as of right now, we are helpless

Thursday, November 5, 2009

civics review on our games

1.Our topic is why was Dick Cheney not prosecuted for his shooting.

2.It has to do with the judicial system and the ex VP

3.Our game is called Quail Huntin: The Dick Cheney Expirience. You first choose your character (Barrack Obama or George Bush). Then you choose your victim (Bobwhite quail or California quail).You can move the bag up,down,left, or right to capture the birds or Dick Cheney. Birds are worth points when captured and Dick Cheney makes you lose points. You will learn about how the judicial system works and why Dick Cheney was not punished for his wrong doing.We are not sure yet on how we are going to make the questions come up for the player to answer. The questions are either going to be on some of the birds that you try to capture or they are going to be at the end of each round of play. Either way there is going to be multiple questions inside of each round of play. Either way the players can expect questions To answer.

4.The players that choose to play this game will learn more about civics because we will have questions to answer that deal with the judicial system and how it works. They will also learn about why the ex vice president Dick Cheney was not prosecuted for shooting his hunting buddy while quail hunting.I'm sorry but i do not know how i can lengthen this to be 150 words.

5.It has questions about civics and it has presidents and a vice president with an inncodent of his.

6.Our game teaches about a function of government. It will have questions to do with the judicial branch of government.

Monday, November 2, 2009

10-26 to 10/30

Juat another week...still trying to get ideas on how to do everything on the game...a little frustrating but i hope it turns out good

Monday, October 26, 2009


Civics games are relatively difficult to make because it has to be fun but you have to learn something while you are enjoying yourself

Friday, October 23, 2009


Trying to figure out thesegames is fun but hard....the people that came from globaloria really steered us in the right direction.

Friday, October 16, 2009


This was yet another enjoyable week here at the puter....makin these games is difficult


This was yet another enjoyable week here at the puter....makin these games is difficult

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Are topic is shooting games.....The player will learn when they reach the end of a level when they answer civics questions....Are questions and the presidents you play with is how it fits into the Civics Knowledge Framework

Thursday, October 8, 2009

This week

Well this week was a good 4 day week...yay no school tomorrow!!!! but It really hurts to miss school...I hate you sinus infection....But it was a good and fun week

Monday, October 5, 2009

Quail Huntin'-- Paper Project

I had a lot of fun and it was interactive

Friday, September 25, 2009

Most Important thing in flash

The most important thing for me in flash is locking my layers and then making sure i put what is needed in certain layersand not screwing up the whole thing.

Flash Game codes problems

The Flash games code problems are starting to get a little old, but we hopefully will get it done monday...I like the flash game but it just needs the kinks worked out

Friday, September 11, 2009

Civics Games Review

American Symbols Game: Really dislike this game...quite boring
Bill of Rights Match Game: I also really dislike this game....very boring once again
Geography America: it was ok...a bit tougher than expected....need to re-learn my states http://games.crossmap.com/flash_play/america.htm
Redistricting Game: Did not understand at all....horrible game with no directions
Branches of Government: Pointless
There Should Be a Law: BORING...too much reading involved
Pick 12: Glitcher...not fun
Play the News: Pointless...no directions or anything...you just click on question marks
Bump the Birds: Way too much reading

game genres

Shooter games rock...so do vehicle simulation games...definately have to be a fan of first person shooter games and my favorite genre in the vehicle simulation games is racing games...mostly dirtbike racing

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hardest to blog

I found that the hardest thing to do was putting a video on my blog because of the fact that you can only copy some videos

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009


not sure bout this bloggin thing